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Christine Campbell is Sole Proprietor CMConsulting, focusing on social justice organization and strategy management with the highest levels of stakeholder engagement and integration. With more than 30 years of experience, she has worked for nonprofit organizations focused on social justice issues including poverty, racism, health disparities, homelessness and housing and other human rights issues. She has served in just about every capacity from direct service, technical assistance, advocacy to leadership. Her career has been built on her primary professional value – furthering social justice for all in terms of rights, opportunities, privilege, power and distribution of wealth within society. 

Ms. Campbell has her Masters of Science in Organization Development from American University.

Christine comes from a large, interconnected family raised to be change agents. Her father’s favorite quote, and now hers is from Frederick Douglas:

"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters."

Services and Rates

Organizational Leadership – CMConsulting provides a dual-focused management support approach that works with an organization to develop leaders that focus on what is best for individuals on their teams and what is best for an organization as a whole simultaneously. We assist with developing an appropriate scope for executive leadership promoting an attitude and a work ethic that empowers an individual in any role to lead from anywhere within the organization.

Rates: $200/Hour

Executive Coaching – CMConsulting works with executives to support them in focusing on their business priorities while advancing their professional development goals.

Rates: $200/Hour

Strategic Planning – CMConsulting works with an organization to create a clear vision and robust strategic objectives as well as a roadmap for strategic execution. We help create attainable goals and assign appropriate roles and responsibilities to key individuals who will be the organization's strategic stewards. CMConsulting offers follow-up services to support the implementation of the plan.

Rates: Negotiated Project Based Rate depending on Scope

Retreat Planning and Facilitation – CMConsulting provides complete design and facilitation services for meetings and retreats of any size. Whether it be half- full- or multi-day session, depending on your needs. Sessions are designed to maximize the time you have together to accomplish the goals of the retreat.


  • Half-Day - $1500 – includes planning, design, facilitation, and debrief
  • Full – day - $3000 – includes planning, design, facilitation, and debrief
  • Multi-day – Negotiated Project Based Rate depending on Scope

Advocacy Campaign Management - CMConsulting works with an organization to develop goal, objectives, strategies, and tactics to achieve high impact social justice change.

Rates: Negotiated Project Based Rate depending on Scope

Community Organizing - CMConsulting will work with your organization and community to develop strategies to promote the desired social change that will create durable power and allowing this power to influence key decision makes on a range of issues over time.

Rates: Negotiated Project Based Rate depending on Scope.

Program Design – CMConsulting works with organizations to design programs and policies that will achieve the mission of the organization. Our process is collaborative where stakeholders work together to develop program elements that they believe will achieve the program’s purpose.

Rates: Negotiated Project Based Rate depending on Scope

References available.

Call us today for a FREE initial consultation!

Core Competencies

  • Organizational Leadership
  • Strategic Planning
  • Community Organizing
  • Executive Coaching
  • Advocacy Campaign Management
  • Public Speaking
  • Group Facilitation
  • Program and Grant Management
  • Policy Analysis
  • Fund Development
  • Program Design
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